Search Results
Dance Moms: Yolanda REFUSES TO MOVE (Season 8) | Extended Scene | Lifetime
Dance Moms: Yolanda Psyches Out Elliana (Season 8) | Extended Scene | Lifetime
Dance Moms: Abby Removes Elliana and Maesi from Competition (Season 7 Flashback) | Lifetime
Dance Moms: Yolanda's Behavior Threatens Elliana's Duet (S8) | Extended Scene | Lifetime
Dance Moms: Abby Calls the Cops on Michelle (Season 8) | Extended Scene | Lifetime
Stacey & Yolanda CAN'T MOVE ON | Dance Moms | Season 8, Episode 9
Yolanda Says Elliana's Dancing Has GOTTEN WORSE | Dance Moms | Season 8, Episode 11
Elliana CRIES To Abby Because Of Stacey | Dance Moms | Season 8, Episode 7
"WORSE Than PRISON!" Yolanda Brings BAD NEWS During HELL WEEK! (S8 Flashback) | Dance Moms
Dance Moms: Which Soloist Is Abby ROOTING FOR? (Season 8) | Deleted Scene | Lifetime
Dance Moms: Ashley Wants Pressley to QUIT the ALDC (Season 8, Episode 7) | Lifetime
"SHE CAN'T DANCE" Elliana & Yolanda's Big MESS-UPS! (MEGA-Compilation) | Dance Moms